LL Always Craft Shows

Craft show season is our favorite! As teachers, we have used our summers to sell our LL Always jewelry at many craft shows, big and small. Meeting our customers face to face and introducing our jewelry line to people who have never seen us, is simply a great way to spend a weekend. Nevertheless, most of these shows are outside, so we face all temperatures, including rain, and wind….wind is the worst. My husband Matt and I do these shows together, he takes care of the tent logistics, while I make the booth look pretty.

A few tricks that we have learned….

-Customers are asking 2 questions, who are you and why should I trust you? Over communicate who you are with your logo, where you are from, and provide visible prices. Give your customers all of the information up front, then they can decide.

-Stand up when greeting customers at your booth. Be eye to eye.

-Say hello, and then stop talking. Let the people look around and think. Our jewelry is personal and people are making personal connections. “Look Mom, this necklace reminds me of….”

-Most importantly, smile and get to know your customers.

-People want to buy from people, tell them your story. :)

--Linda Ludwig, LL Always


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